Drew Rosenhaus

Daily Chat: Three Combine Stars

February 28, 2011

Three players who created a buzz over the weekend are three players who are likely on the Vikings radar as well: Julio Jones, Stephen Paea & Jake Locker.

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Minnesota Vikings 2011 Free Agents

January 5, 2011

Minnesota Vikings 2011 Free Agents: Minnesota Vikings Chat lists the priorities for the Vikings 2011 offseason free agent retainees.

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Daily Chat: Who's Driving The Sidneymobile?

November 27, 2010

Do we really want to commit to a three- or five-year contract for Sidney Rice on the strength of one season?

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Daily Chat: Sidney Rice Injury

November 18, 2010

Is Sidney Rice’s Injury return complicated by contract considerations?

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Daily Chat: Javon Walker Holding Out?

August 24, 2010

After hearing all day that the deal was all but done that would bring former Packer Javon Walker to Winter Park, we’ve got no actual confirmation that Walker will be a Viking.

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